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MIT IAP 2019 Computational Law Course


Challenge Session: Design and Test a Computational Jurisdiction

In the video below, Christoph Pereira of GE poses a creative challenge at the 2017 MIT Legal Forum to design and text a computational municipal jusidiction. Please review Christoph’s presentation (the audience discussion following the presentation is informative, but optional) and then provide your feedback through the PigeonHole widget below on how one might design, build and test such a system.

Overview Video - Full Screen

Discussion Session on this Challenge

Open Questions for Feedback: In a Computational Jurisdiction:

1) What is the philosophy kernel of a computational jurisdiction?

2) What classes of infrastructure are required?

3) What guidelines and rules do we need to account for?

4) What is the role of a citizen?

5) What is the role of a businesses?

Note: Fill out the questionnaire below to register feedback

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