The curriculum will be taught with a series of plugged and unplugged activities, through which students will learn about generators and discriminators, examine the impact of algorithmic bias, and explore AI-driven artistic methods such as style transfer. They will also be co-creating with pre-trained GANs, gaining valuable experience in tweaking and evaluating an intelligent system. Students will organically understand the relevance and importance of this curriculum through applications of GANs that may touch their everyday lives, including interactive collaboration tools or deep fakes. By engaging with AI in different creative contexts and exercising computational action through GAN projects, students will be able to think critically about the media they create in the age of artificial intelligence. Students will also learn how to train their own GANs and use them in interactive applications. Finally, students will learn about some critical ethical concerns around GANs, such as, misinformation, deepfakes, ownership of generated art, and the environmental impact of training these models.