Girl Scouts participating in workshops and convening to vote on a data privacy draft bill in a full-scale replica of the US Senate Chamber.

At-home conversations: 4-Steps to Debating technology and AI with your child

The MIT Media Lab’s Personal Robots Group has launched AI curricula and workshops with hundreds of students at a variety of ages. One thing we heard was that parents wanted to have productive conversations with their kids about tech in a way that encouraged critical thinking and assessment of the technologies their children use. So, we created this guide to help structure conversations around potentially controversial topics that relate to technology and AI. We break down our tips below through the following four steps: Prepare, Engage, Reflect, Repeat. We also include example discussion questions and a section below for resource articles. Guide is available here.

We have now created a video series listed below to teach students about data privacy concepts that you can learn from at home.

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Stephanie Nguyen

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab

Daniella DiPaola

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab

Cynthia Breazeal

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab
