Child plays with small homemade robot with a cutout of a whale pasted on top of it.

Primary School AI for 3-5th Grade Classrooms

This Primary School AI curriculum is designed to introduce students in grades 3-5 to robotics and artificial intelligence. The activities are designed to be engaging and to push children to think about the larger impact of this technology on society and the environment. We start by helping students solidify their thinking about what robots and AI are and how they work with a number of hands-on activities. Then, we develop children’s understanding of how design choices impact others. Finally, we allow children to propose their own intelligent robot solutions to various problems.

Read on Media Lab Website

Randi Williams

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab

Alyda Huerta


Safinah Ali

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab

Cynthia Breazeal

Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab
