Generative AI Lab
Welcome to your mini learning hub for Generative AI!
Explore the future of innovation through bite-sized lessons, demystifying complex concepts. Ignite your understanding and harness the power of AI-driven creativity! These curricula and this website is maintained by Safinah Ali (safinah at mit dot edu).

Eye-catching Lessons
Check out our best lessons!
ChatGPT in School
This curriculum is an introduction to ChatGPT. It begins with students exploring their own creative process by writing stories together. Through a series of teacher-led activities they are introduced to ChatGPT, what it is and how it works, and the process ChatGPT uses to generate stories and human-like dialogue.
Dreaming Futures with Generative AI
We will be making a dream book of our imagined future stories using generative AI. Let your imagination run wild and think of a future dream of what you would like to be.
Emotion Art using Generative AI
This module will introduce you to the world of AI and explore the application of Generative AI tools for generating various forms of media. We will delve into the ways in which Generative AI media can effectively communicate emotions, sentiments, and foster empathy.
Generative AI for Creative Learning
In this module, we will discover the different and many applications of generative AI. How is it used to create a variety of media and have found applications in art, imaging, engineering, protein folding and modeling.